Connie and Zack: the conspiracy of two

Just a forum where my wife and I can ramble together

Friday, March 10, 2006

My heart opens. My head is silent

What I write next I feel compelled to put down on paper. If you find it annoying, I am truly sorry. Perhaps it was not meant for you.

"Heart" thinking, as opposed to "Head" thinking, is a concept I have struggled with until recently. I was a nerdy kid and even my faith was "Head" faith. This is probably why my early religious education didn't stick.

Now, my heart opens, and my head is silent (at least, when I pray sincerely, it is like this). Instead of little moments of experience (the best I could ever achieve trying to get to spirituality on my own) I live mostly in the feeling of being close to God. It's nice. It's simple.


At 10:01 AM, Blogger anne said...

whyever do you think people would find this annoying? very beautifully wording. you have become so tranquil and peaceful recently, and your writing is really shining. maybe this is because of your "heart" thinking.

At 3:56 PM, Blogger zditty said...

I worry that I come off sounding preachy or holier than thou. I am neither.

I try for tranquility and peace. increasingly, it is easier to feel peaceful. It is a blessing.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger xtinehlee said...

you are not being pedantic at all. :) you are telling the intimate truth and that is never pedantic. thank you for sharing your peace.


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