Fast Fiction III
Clara watched with a mix of envy and pride as her little brother took his first steps. A moment in which she understood the fragility of childhood, Clara would often think back on the wobbly footing of Sam, his tentative bid to enter the world.
It took years to document all of her feelings about observing that piece of family history. By the time Clara got it all to make sense, she was a mother herself.
New feet, new steps, but the same grasping for identity.
i don't know that I like this one, but it was written in the ten minute span I impose on these assignments.
what an interesting exercise. how did you come up with it? i'm enjoying your little vignettes quite a bit!
I love short fiction and I like the idea of taking only what comes to mind immediately. All that equals Very Fast Fiction!
Thanks Anne. the more I read this one, the better it seems
These ten minute exercises are great! Glad to see you returning to writing on a more regular basis.
Might I suggest another exercise from my college days? A story in exactly 100 words.
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