Connie and Zack: the conspiracy of two

Just a forum where my wife and I can ramble together

Friday, March 17, 2006

100 Word Sentence IV

Stones on a riverbed, in virtue of the fact that water continually passes over them, become progressively worn and smooth, incrementally growing smaller and more sparkling, the natural processes of wear creating a wholly organic and pure art form worthy of the highest praise, and I, now a bit more honest with the world than in my youth, can appreciate the tiny miracle of each pebble without irony to mask the wonder, a fact so mundane that it would not be worth the trouble of articulating except that it has been so strangely difficult to talk about beauty for me.


At 11:45 PM, Blogger Mark said...

I really like this one. =)

At 6:25 PM, Blogger zditty said...

Thanks a lot Mark!


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