Connie and Zack: the conspiracy of two

Just a forum where my wife and I can ramble together

Saturday, December 11, 2004

John Mayer has a TV Show

Speaking of hi-larious TV shows, we just caught this one. Never thought you'd hear "John Mayer" and "hi-larious TV show" together, now did you? I had heard it was funny, and Zack, understandably, had severe doubts. I don't hate John Mayer or anything - I get him confused with Jack Johnson for some reason - I just find him bland, inoffensive and ubiquitous (sp?). As a matter fact, I silently refer to some of his songs as "pussy rock"... that is, music geared towards getting some well, you know...

Anyways, the show consists of Mayer pulling stunts like wearing a bear suit before his shows and harassing his tailgating fans. "Keep drinking! It's the only way you'll get through the show," or "John Meyers [sic] lip syncs and pees sitting down!" He also tells female "fan focus group" that Richard Marx writes all of his songs, and proposes that he license some of them for commercial use "I wanna run through the Halls of medicine, 'cause my throat is so scratch and sore... there's 2.5 million in it for me!"


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