Connie and Zack: the conspiracy of two

Just a forum where my wife and I can ramble together

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

We are sons of California...

This past weekend, Zack scored free tickets to the Cal-ASU football game. I'd been to a few Cal football games back in the day when I was a freshman. Although I've never been into football, I recall that I had fun - cheering, drinking beer and taunting those wearing red. This was when Mariucci was coaching and the team was mediocre, at best. In the years following, the team seemed to suck more and more, I accepted failure, humiliation and defeat as a way of life for Cal football. Since I didn't choose my alma mater for its football team, I was, quite frankly, apathetic. The only game I paid attention to was the Big Game. (When it comes right down to it, what other game really matters?) So when Zack announced he'd be getting free tickets, I casually thought, "It'll be fun. Why not?" Imagine my shock when I learned upon informing some of my coworkers of my weekend plans that Cal was ranked number 7. "In the Pac-10?" "Uh, in the nation. The team is really good this year." What the hell? When did this happen? I'd heard the team had gotten better, and that the USC game was supposed to be a big deal, but it's like I'm in Bizarro Land or something. Apparently, the new coach (Tedford) has made huge headway, we've got a real quarterback, a decent running back, an awesome defensive line and a solid bench. I mean, whoa. So when we watched the game, I actually found myself thinking(after sneaking over from the end zone to the 25 yard line with the season ticket holders), "Hey, they don't suck! The offense is a little off today, but it's a night game, and the defense is really good!" It wasn't quite the same as the student section - there's nothing quite like the student section - but the camraderie was still there. Cheering, jumping up and down, high fives whenever a touchdown was scored. I'll confess a little disappointment that no one heckled the red-wearing Sun Devils fans who wandered into our section. Oh, and we shut them out, by the way. 27-0.

Roll on, you bears.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger zditty said...

Number 4 sweetie!!!!

At 12:37 PM, Blogger zditty said...

Well, I just looked at a poll that was in the paper monday, and it claims we are #6

I could research to see our rank, but I am tired.

Anyway, Roll on you Bears


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