Connie and Zack: the conspiracy of two

Just a forum where my wife and I can ramble together

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The death of long games

Let's face facts. My life, like the lives of most Americans, is over-booked. The result is that I have no time for the vey long games I used to play as a kid/student/bachelor with a crappy, no-responsibility set of meaningless jobs.

The time crunch means that I love the gaming I do have time for. I appreciate a well-crafted Euro game that is deep and strategic but is done in 90 minutes. I also love conventions more now than ever. I have more money, so I live better while at the con. At the con, I can also get any game on I want to with no shortage of willing gamers.

Don't mourn the death of long games. There are phoenixes rising from the ashes even as we speak.


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