Connie and Zack: the conspiracy of two

Just a forum where my wife and I can ramble together

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

When I grow up...

Claire and I were talking yesterday about my troubles at my place of employment. She asked me "So, if you don't want to do what you are doing now, what would you rather do?" Does "cold-coolin' it" count?

Seriously, this is a toughie from the therapist. Not so tough, really, to come up with what I'd do if I didn't need money. Ah, but there's the rub.

Could I survive being a game writer/designer? Do they have benefits?

Points to ponder, instead of diving right to work...


At 11:46 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Even Reiner Knizia has a day job.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger zditty said...

Dang it! I would've hoped that he made enough to get by just by designing.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Jen(n) said...

Does "kickin' it live" count?

Yes, the eternal question. I've been struggling with this one for about a year now. Carpenters don't make that much, starting out.


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