Moving offices remind me...

There is something intensely satisfying about cutting away the useless stuff in my life. I used to really look forward to the moment in which I would be forced to toss something I'd become attached to. It felt sad to let go, then I would repeat to myself the primary lesson I learned as a boy: "Attachment is weakness. Weakness is bad." Afterwards, I always felt stronger.
I don't get the same thrill from throwing things away anymore. I don't want to ever be so comfortable with materialism that I forget that there's a whole other realm of pursuit, a spiritual path. I will just let go when I need to, hold on when I can, and pray for wisdom to know the difference.
sigh... yeah, i have issues with material attachment. for me stuff=security. with all my stuff around me i feel like i have some kind of buffer. from what, exactly, i have no idea. i'm also incredibly sentimental about stuff. i keep things forever because someone gave it to me, for instance. maybe my crap then is a buffer for emotional trauma?
i remember when i went to college my first year and then had to move out of the dorms i was first astonished at how much crap i had managed to accumulate in one year. then i vowed i would not aquire anything unless i really needed it, and then i would make it if i could before i bought it. you've been to my house... you can see for yourself how successful i've been at that!
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